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How Safety Signage Protects the Workplace

Updated: Nov 25, 2019

The most discernible benefit of having safety signage for your business is that it promotes health and safety, resulting in less injuries. Some regulations impact the use of industrial safety signs, deciding which types of signage are needed in particular locations on or near equipment, as well as the colors, symbols, and messaging required for compliance. In addition, it is possible companies may not be liable for certain damages if all proper safety precautions are in place. Obviously, workers are entitled to worker’s compensation benefits, but appropriate safety signage can provide some protection to companies if an injured party chose to pursue further damages.

Fatalities and injuries can be prevented with something as simple as an appropriately located safety sign or label. Visual communication informs workers of things like automatic start and stop switches, pinch points, various operation hazards, and more.

Safety signs help reduce risk and keep workers safe by:

• Communicating different hazards and safety controls

• Identifying accident-prone areas

• Clarifying precautions where they will be see

Labels can also help prevent accidents. For example, visually designating the place on a pegboard where a hammer should hang could help it from lying on the ground as a trip hazard. This method would also ensure tools and equipment are put in their appropriate place for faster retrieval. A high voltage label on a product will prevent injury or death by informing the person of the dangers to be respected about the product. Therefore, safety signs and labels are necessary tools for communicating hazards in the workplace - as well as meeting OSHA and ANSI requirements.

If you need assistance updating your facility’s safety signage and labeling, please contact us at and receive a FREE and FAST quote! We have solutions for almost any installation application.



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